Guitar amp project

Acrylic guitar ampAfter making the Standalone Voltage Regulator I decided to see what else could be made on one of the single IC boards from RadioShack.  About a year ago I built a mini-guitar amp using an LM386 audio amplifier and a small 8 ohm speaker from an old computer, you can see the post on  Since the LM386 only needs a few capacitors and a resistor I wanted to see if it can be crammed on to one of the boards.  After a bit of study the answer is yes!  This week I soldered the unit together and mounted it an acrylic box you can find at craft stores.  I plan on doing a write up like the regulator, with part numbers and part layout, however for now I have a gallery up showing the finished product.

Here is a short list of the parts I used, for the ambitious:

  • RadioShack single IC PCB
  • 100 uF electrolytic capacitor
  • 0.1 ceramic capacitor
  • 4.7 uF capacitor
  • 10 uF capacitor
  • 10 ohm resistor
  • 8 ohm speaker
  • 25 ohm potentiometer
  • 9v battery and snap
  • 1/4″ mono phono jack
  • LED

Here are a few links to simple amps using the LM386. LittleGem Amp CigarBox Amp


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