Last week I picked up a Tamiya tracked vehicle cassis from a hobby store to use as a mobile platform.
Sunday and Monday I put it together and canibalized my old Hookbot for the H-Bridge, gearboxes and PIC. I used the Tamyia dual gearbox drive rather than the one that came with the chassis because any good robot can turn, not just go forward and reverse; hey maybe I’ll use the single motor for a turret! Anyway the brains are a PIC 16F872 and the H-bridge is a SN754410. The drive motors are power by three AA batteries for ~4.5volts and has a bit of acceleration and power, I am quite impressed. Right now the H-bridge gets a little warm when the motors are strained. I am going to have to do some tests and see how hot it gets on carpet running for a few minutes.
Here are some pics!:
Old Hookbot code (pretty much the same):
And a Video:
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By joe de, April 25, 2010 @ 9:59 am
I have sugestion regarding guitar Iam a guitar player and have been searching for a site to put a passive midrange boost on my strat under the pickgaurd with a push pull pot if you go to stew mac they have a product called blkack ice which is close to passive as you can get im not an electronic engineer but understand the basics would you have a schematic for dummies on how to achieve this mod any help greatly appreciated and is there a way to do this with LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier would be interesting you think