Simple Breadboard Regulator PCB
I recently sat down with my new favorite Linux PCB program Kicad and developed a simple PCB for a 5V breadboard regulator. The idea main goal for this PCB is not to develop the ultimate breadboard power supply but to learn Kicad and how to get a PCB done professionally. I’ve done a bunch of DIY PCBs in the past with “eh” results, thus, this time I am going to get a PCB made professionally from BatchPCB. BatchPCB is a spin off from SparkFun Electronics and combines small prototype orders into full pallet runs. There is a few weeks lead time but if you can wait it looks like the best option for DIYers.
I’ve learned a lot about PCB design in Kicad by looking at personal sites and tutorials and wanted to share my Kicad project with others. Here is a ZIP file with all the project files. I also use a custom library for the parts and footprints (much easier than using pre-made ones, which usually don’t work)