User request video lesson

I like making videos and I like talking about / teaching embedded systems, so it should be no surprise there have been a few video tutorials on this site in the past.  I’m starting to get the bug again and want to post something that people working with embedded microcontrollers want, but I’m not totally sure what to show.  This lead to an opportunity, rather than try and guess what people want, I’m going to ask you the  people what you want to see! Here are the details:

  • Post a comment here telling me what you want to see in a tutorial video
  • My plan is to make a ~10 minute video about one or two topics
  • Topic areas include
    • Development tools (Logic analyzers, Rigol DS1052 Scope, PICKIT3, AVR Dragon, IDEs, Toolchains)
    • Microcontrollers (PIC16, PIC24F, ATMega, MSP430, STM32)
    • Processor peripherals (GPIO, Timers, ADC, Watchdog, PWM)
    • Bus protocols (SPI, I2C, CAN, RS232)
    • C programming (Modular programming, code reuse, basics through interrupts and threads)
    • Interfacing with devices (LCDs, buttons, keypads, EEPROM, accelerometers, etc)
    • Eagle PCB
    • Embedded Linux development (Raspberry Pi dev, Pi toolchain)
  • The video will be uploaded to youtube and posted here

Let me know about that thing you always wanted to know but never learned, I’ll make a video!

  • By Peter Shaw, February 3, 2014 @ 12:24 pm

    Yes, all of them please!
    Can’t wait.

  • By Veda, June 17, 2014 @ 2:18 am

    Designing your own pcb’s (using eagle or whatever software)

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