Quick python terminal
I like Python, it seems like it takes no time to make something that works. Last night I found an example of a simple scrolling text box GUI done using Tkinter. After an hour or so of modification it is a pretty usable terminal app. I posted the code here for everyone: http://www.mybitbox.com/mbbfiles/s1axter/pyterminal/
I am working on using this for a serial terminal. The idea is to have a program class that has a handle to an instance of this terminal, a serial port and a communication class. If there is a local output function in the program class you can send text to the terminal rather than stdout. Also, bind all keyboard inputs to a function in the program class and bingo, simple serial terminal.
More to come.
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Salae Logic Analyzer Linux Support | myBitBox — September 14, 2010 @ 10:53 pm
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